The beauty of art is in the eye of your wealth manager | 艺术之美在理财经理的眼中 - FT中文网

The beauty of art is in the eye of your wealth manager

Collectors increasingly cite financial value as their main motivation for buying pieces
Two decades ago, Artuto Cifuentes, a Chilean financier, used his quantitative skills to parse financial derivatives with great effect: long before 2008, he warned that a financial crisis loomed (influencing my own journalism).
二十年前,智利金融家阿图罗•西富恩特斯(Artuto Cifuentes)利用他的定量技能成功解析金融衍生品:早在2008年之前,他就警告说金融危机即将来临(对我的新闻工作产生了影响)。
Now, however, Cifuentes has another mission: he is redeploying his skills to analyse art, exploring issues such as the relative return and risk profile of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s paintings. (Complex calculations in his co-authored book The Worth of Art suggest that Basquiat not only outperforms US equities, but also works by Renoir and Matisse.)
然而,西富恩特斯现在有了另一个任务:他正在重新运用他的技能来分析艺术,探索让-米歇尔•巴斯奎特(Jean-Michel Basquiat)的画作的相对回报和风险特征。(他与人合著的《艺术的价值》一书中的复杂计算表明,巴斯奎特的表现不仅优于美国股票,还优于雷诺阿和马蒂斯的作品)。
Is this a good thing? It is an intriguing issue to ponder as Art Basel Miami Beach gets under way, amid parties, celebrity gossip and frenzied debates about artistic trends.
这是一件好事吗?当迈阿密海滩(Miami Beach)巴塞尔艺术展(Art Basel)开始时,人们会思考这个引人入胜的问题,伴随着派对、名人八卦和对艺术趋势的疯狂辩论。
Previously, artists and collectors have preferred to think of this world in terms of creativity, not finance. After all, art prices are driven by slippery cultural mores, not utility value — or, as the American sociologist Thorstein Veblen cynically observed, signals around social status. Those would seem to defy any spreadsheet.
以前,艺术家和收藏家更愿意从创意而非金融的角度来思考这个世界。毕竟,艺术品的价格是由变幻莫测的文化风俗而不是实用价值所驱动的,或者正如美国社会学家索尔斯坦•维布伦(Thorstein Veblen)愤愤不平地观察到的那样,是关于社会地位的信号。这些似乎无法用任何电子表格来解释。
However, Cifuentes is not alone in looking at creativity through a quantitative lens. A growing number of art collectors are also focused on an investment frame as well. This might horrify artists. But such financialisation could deliver one big benefit: more transparency. And this is badly needed, given that the art world has been as opaque — and scandal-prone — as derivatives in decades past.
This point is underscored by recent surveys. Take a biennial one that has been done since 2011 by the consultants Deloitte Private and ArtTactic into art “stakeholders”, such as wealth managers, family offices and brokers.
最近的调查进一步证实了这一点。以德勤私人(Deloitte Private)和ArtTactic为顾问的一项两年一次的调查自2011年以来一直在进行,调查的对象是艺术“利益相关者”,如财富管理人员、家族办公室和经纪人。
The 2023 report notes that there has been “a significant shift” in attitudes to art during the past decade. Back in 2014, only 53 per cent of wealth managers considered art expertise part of their industry. However, in 2016 this leapt to 78 per cent and now stands at 90 per cent.
Three-quarters of wealth managers now offer art services, compared with a quarter in 2011, while 41 per cent of collectors now cite financial value as “their primary motivation” for buying art, the highest level since the survey began.
A separate annual study from UBS and Art Basel, run for a decade, echoes this theme, albeit with some difference in the details. This year it polled almost 3,000 high net worth individuals, who control some $2tn of wealth that could be used for art. Financial motives were cited as the second-biggest reason for buying art, topped only by “personal pleasure and identity” (except in Brazil and Japan, where they actually dominated).
This report also noted rising “research-based” purchases, or those that happen after number-crunching rather than on impulse. And there has been an “explosion” in the use of credit, it adds: about half of collectors report buying art with loans and art is increasingly being used as collateral for borrowing. In other words, financialisation is happening on several fronts.
Why? One probable reason is that wealthy individuals want portfolio diversification at a time when the outlook for mainstream assets is becoming unpredictable, due to gyrating interest rates and geopolitical risk.
This may not always be as effective a tactic as people hope. At present, collectors — or investors — seem optimistic about the market and slightly more bullish than they are about stocks: 77 per cent expect art prices to rise next year, the UBS report says.
But the rising use of credit could make art prices track the interest rate cycle more closely in the future. And past price performance has been very mixed. The Knight Frank luxury index, for instance, suggests that art prices jumped 30 per cent last year, beating most other assets. However, the UBS report shows that some sectors, such as non-fungible tokens, have collapsed in value recently.
但信贷使用的增加可能会使艺术品价格在未来更紧密地追随利率周期。过去的价格表现非常复杂。例如,莱坊奢侈品指数(Knight Frank luxury index)显示,去年艺术品价格上涨30%,涨幅超过多数其它资产。然而,瑞银的报告显示,一些领域,如非同质化代币,最近价值暴跌。
Meanwhile, the Deloitte report points out that the Artnet fine art index only delivered a 2.5 per cent compound annual growth rate between 2008 and 2023. That is lower than for the S&P 500, real estate and gold (8.5 per cent, 3.8 per cent and 4.9 per cent respectively).
The second issue that is driving this financialisation is transparency. As the Deloitte report notes, more than 80 per cent of wealth managers believe there will be more visibility around deals, fees and sourcing in the future, due to the fast-expanding use of digital technology.
Online art auctions, which proliferated during the pandemic, are one example of this. Others are digital registries of sales and prices and the use of blockchain technologies to establish provenance.
So far the results have been patchy — some corners of the market are still highly opaque. But the more credible and transparent it becomes, the more likely it is to attract new investors, who will in turn expect further transparency, in a self-reinforcing cycle.
Don’t expect this to spark much discussion in the Miami galleries this week. At art fairs, financialisation remains a dirty word. But if this trend drives more money into the art world, those artists should have reason to raise a glass to it. As Cifuentes says, even algorithms can create beauty. 











