Donald Trump will go down in history as a truly historic president. That is not a moral judgment. It is simply an acknowledgment of the scale of his achievement in completely remaking American politics.
唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)将作为一位真正具有历史意义的总统载入史册。这不是一个道德评判,而只是承认他在彻底重塑美国政治方面取得的重大成就。
Like Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan, Trump has not merely won re-election. He has also brought about fundamental shifts in policy, ideology and the political landscape. Unfortunately, he has also brought about a profound change in political norms, by embracing conspiracy theories and refusing to accept that he lost the 2020 presidential election.
就像富兰克林•罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)或罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)一样,特朗普不仅赢得第二个任期,还带来了政策、意识形态和政治格局上的根本转变。不幸的是,拥抱阴谋论并拒绝接受自己在2020年败选意味着,他还带来了政治规范上的深远变化。
The accusation that Trump is a threat to democracy turned out not to be the clinching argument that the Democrats imagined. That could be because Americans simply did not buy the argument. But there is also evidence that there is an appetite for strongman leadership in the US.